Our Strategic Plan

Mission Statement 

S.O.A.R. Hospitality & Travel YLC, Inc., is a multifaceted 501c3 non-profit organization aimed at empowering youth in underserved communities to become future change agents, excelling in their academics while leading the charge in the fields of hospitality, travel, business, and entrepreneurship. 

Vision Statement

To be a respected, professionally recognized entity, known for its financial accountability and substantial contribution to our youth and communities. 

Community self-sufficiency and sustainment.  We believe there are untapped resources and potential in our communities and in our children and with adequate resources and opportunity our success level can match or surpass our counterparts. 

Quality. We understand that we have emerged from expressed and visible community need and will not restrict ourselves to the marketplace priorities and constraints that define success for the for-profit sector.

Responsibility.  We understand our role as an entity is to engage and inspire individuals and communities for public benefit, and to conduct our activities with transparency, and good character.

Accountability. We believe as a nonprofit we should regularly and openly convey information to the community we serve about our mission, activities, accomplishments and decision-making processes. That our information should be easily accessible to the public and should create external visibility, public understanding and trust in our organization.

Integrity. Adopt clear policies for fundraising activities and business dealings to ensure responsible use of funds and open, transparent communication with contributors and other constituents.


To serve as the fundraising arm (FRA) for its self-named, aspiring Mission Driven School, raising awareness, as well as funding for the school, to ensure it has the proper resources, both financial and professional, to meet the needs of our youth.


  • Establish rapport and networking relationships with potential investors, sponsors, corporations and organizations within the hospitality & travel industries and abroad.

  • Implement fundraising endeavors for ongoing enhancements of the program and to facilitate the needs of program participants (both current and future enrollees).

  • Launch a marketing campaign to promote and increase awareness of the program and establish clientele.

  • Invite all sponsors/investors/representatives from supporting organizations and corporations to participate, get involved, and have their contributions recognized by the community.

Programs Offered

  • Fundamentals: During this four-week block scholars will examine the fundamentals, applications, and best practices of business and entrepreneurship. Essential concepts covered include understanding the differences between products and services, the necessities of profit and customer focus, economic growth, the relevance of financial literacy and freedom, and mastering your elevator pitch.

    Advanced: This four-week block is a follow-up to the Fundamentals of Business & Entrepreneurship and offers a deep dive into the essentials of developing a strong entrepreneur mindset, establishing effective marketing and branding strategies, understanding the importance of personal and business credit and its overall impact, and perfecting business writing and communication.

    Each block is designed to enhance the participant’s ability to engage in innovative and forward-thinking dialogue. They empower students to use these discussions as a springboard to clearly identify business opportunities while formulating creative ideas to solve a problem or fulfill a need.

  • Fundamentals: This six-week introductory course provides an overview of the hospitality and travel industry, its growth and change, industry aspects and their characteristics, including trends and current concerns. Students are introduced to internships, shadowing opportunities, and skills needed to succeed in the hospitality industry.

  • To all community leaders, members, youth, local businesses, and entrepreneurs! Join S.O.A.R. once a quarter as we work to bring together the voices and talents of our communities. This platform is intended to help stimulate ideas, and foster relationships across lines that divide us. The goal is to strengthen our communities by promoting collaboration, cultivation, and solutions that lead to lasting change! During these events we invite you to share your thoughts on things lacking in your community, as well as the endless possibilities and outcomes that can ensue with willing hands and an open mind! Together we can conquer much, but divided we accomplish nothing. Join us and see how you can become part of the change WE ALL want to see!


May 18th- S.O.A.R. Business & Entrepreneurship Virtual Youth Bootcamp 2021, Grades 8-9 (Apply Today)!